
My name is Clip Holverson. Clip is what I go by and my middle name. Yes, it's really my name. No, it's not short for anything. I was named after one of my grandfather's Army buddies.

I've always liked music. I took piano and violin lessons growing up. I listen to many kinds of music. Classical seems to be what I play most, so you might notice a classical feel to many of my songs. My first song was written, entered into software and printed out in less than 2 hours. Before that I had wanted to write a song, and thought that someday I might me able to, but made no attempts. After that, I realized that writing music was possible. I don't typically write songs in so little time. Sometimes when I hear one piece of music I get an idea to combine it with another song. Some of my personal favorites are such arrangements.

I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, known by some as Mormon or LDS. In my experience, music can help a person to feel the spirit and allow us to become closer to God, our Heavenly Father, and to his son, Jesus Christ. Perhaps you have felt this way too.

By day I'm a husband, father of 5 children, registered nurse and neighbor. I don't consider myself a professional musician. This has been more of a pass-time that I enjoy. My wife has encouraged me to share my music and so here we are.


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